Professor, Hellenic Mediterranean University
Director of the Economic Analysis, Entrepreneurship and Tourism Institute (6/5/2020 – today)
Vice President, TEI of Crete (1/5/2014 – 31/8/2017)
Director of e-Business Intelligence Lab (1/9/2006 – 14/3/2019)
Research Interests: Data Analytics, Business Intelligence, Innovation
TEI of Crete
+30 2810 379415
28420 89797
Ph.D. 9/1999 – 6/2003 |
Ph.D. at the University of Manchester Institute of Technology (UMIST url) at the Department of Computation (url1 url2). Research field: R&D of innovative visualization techniques for data mining outcomes. Thesis: Visual Data Mining Models for Enhancing the Knowledge Extraction from Data Mining Outcomes. |
M.Sc. 9/1998 – 9/1999 |
M.Sc. in Information Systems Engineering at the Department of Computation (url1 url2) at UMIST (url). Dissertation: development and application of Data Mining Techniques using Neural Networks in financial data. Title: Solving Data Mining Classification Problemswith Neural Networks. |
Degree 9/1994 – 6/1998 |
Degree from the Computer Science Department (url) at the University of Crete (url). The degree thesis was the implementation of a Robust Method Detecting Planar Regions in Digital Images received from a Robot’s Cameras. |
Prj[17] | «EMYNOS-nExt generation eMergencY commuNicationOnS» (HORIZON 2020). The project EMYNOS aims to design and implement a new generation platform capable of serving emergency calls using multimedia such as voice, text and video, making it a powerful tool for the coordination of communication between citizens, call centers and rescue people. Budget: 501.250,00 € url |
Prj[16] | «Promoting organic farming through Internet partnerships cooperation – BIODRASIS». The project BIODRASIS is a joint effort for the establishment, strengthening and expansion of the capabilities for organic farming partnerships and networking, ensuring effective and timely resources’ management. Budget: 325.787,00 € url |
Prj[15] | “DATa science for SIMulating the era of electric vehicles” (FP7 ICT/FET Project DATASIM), DATSIM aims at providing an entirely new and highly detailed spatial-temporal microsimulation methodology for human mobility, grounded on massive amounts of Big data of various types and from various sources, e.g. GPS, mobile phones and social networking sites, with the goal to forecast the nation-wide consequences of a massive switch to electric vehicles, given the intertwined nature of mobility and power distribution networks. Univ. of Piraeus. Budget: 3Μ €. url |
Prj[14] | “Hybrid Internet, Telecommunication and Broadcasting Platform for User-Generated Media Ecosystems”, (VELLEREFONTIS). VELLEREFONTIS aims at studying, designing, implementing and experimenting on a hybrid P2P/IMS/iDVB-T platform, demonstrating how user-generated applications/services – highly heterogeneous in terms of user functions and distributed in the network – can be enrolled in the frame designated by interactive broadcasting, thus making optimum resource exploitation and become widely available to users at guaranteed QoS. Archimedes ΙΙΙ – Supporting Research Labs at Technological Educational Institutes. ΤΕΙ of Crete, Budget: 82.000 €. url |
Prj[13] | “Development Of Techniques Of Electric Field Strength Measurements For The Evaluation Of Electromagnetic Field Exposure And Reliability Of The Operation Of The Modern Wireless Communications” (ΑΝΤΕΝΑ), Archimedes ΙΙΙ – Supporting Research Labs at Technological Educational Institutes. ΤΕΙ of Crete, Budget: 82.000 €. url |
Prj[12] | “Support of the e-lasithi.gr e–MallCenter”, (e–lasithi.gr) Lasithi Chamber. ΤΕΙ of Crete, Budget: 4.920 €. url |
Prj[11] | “MODAP – Mobility, Data Mining, and Privacy”. EU FET-OPEN 2009-2012 The Future and Emerging Technologies Open Scheme.Univ. of Piraeus. Budget: 60.830 €. url |
Prj[10] | «Geographic Privacy-aware Knowledge Discovery and Delivery (GeoPKDD)», Sixth Framework Programme Information Society Technologies, Future Emerging Technologies (FP6-IST-014915, STREP Project). Univ. of Piraeus. Budget: € 3,500,000. url |
Prj[9] | “Ontology Driven Metadata Construction and Management for Intelligent Search in Text and Image Collections”, “Information Society” Operational Programme of the Greek Ministry of Development, General Secretariat for Research and Technology, co-funded by the European Union, Univ. of Athens. Budget: €596,610. url |
Prj[8] | “Management of Spatio-Temporal and Semantic Data for the Documentation of Historical Information”, (DIAXORON), General Secretariat for Research and Technology, co-funded by the European Union, Univ. of Athens. Budget: €601,922. url |
Prj[7] | “GISInformationSystemfortheMunicipalofIerapetra”, Center of Technological Research – Crete. Budget: €166.362. url |
Prj[6] | “Developmentofane–MallCenter”LEADER+ (2000-2006), Center of Technological Research – Crete. Budget: €100.000. url |
Prj[5] | “Informational and Organizational Network for the Promotion of the Agro-tourism in the district of Lasithi-Crete”, LEADER+ (2000-2006), Center of Technological Research – Crete. Budget: €80,000. url |
Prj[4] | “Collection and Digitization of Documentation for the specific characteristics of the district of Lasithi-Crete regarding Civilization, Tourism, Environment and Economy”, “Information Society” Operational Programme, Center of Technological Research – Crete. Budget: €70,000. |
Prj[3] | “ServicesofTouristandArcheologicalInterestviaaPlatformofDigitalTelevision” (PASIPHAE) CreteCorporateProgram, Center of Technological Research – Crete. Budget: €600,000. |
Prj[2] | “Secure Transmition of Interactive Services via Incorporated Systems of Digital Television. Archimedes II. Budget: €70,000. |
Prj[1] | “Influence of the Tourist Development in Economy” Archimedes I. Budget: €80,000. |
A-ZMarketing.gr portalofdept. ofCommerce & Marketingfor the exchange of information and know-how among business and academic community of Greece. url |
Publications | References: scholar , arnetminer , microsoft | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Journals, Book Chapters, Editor |
Conferences |
Thesis |
Technological Educational Institute of Crete |
Full teaching of courses:
at the Dept. of Commerce & Marketing and Dept. of Informatics Engineering. |
NESSOS Information Technologies S.A. 2007 | Consultancy and data mining R&D: “Great Web Encyclopedia of the Greek Culture – Foundation of the Hellenic World”, NESSOS Information Technologies S.A. |
AUEB 2/2002-5/2003 |
Research associate at the Applied Logistics Laboratory (url) of Athens University of Economics and Business (url). My research work was focused on the development of a web-based logistic information system which has been incorporated in a variety of enterprises, such as the National State Logistic Institution. |
NeuroSoft S.A. 10/1999-7/2001 |
Collaboration with NeuroSoft S.A. (url) of Sanyo Hellas Holding group as a Data Mining Software Engineer and Information Systems Analyst. Projects involved:1) Research and Development of Data Mining Techniques for Neurosoft’s Data Mining Software product Envisioner. url1 url2Project Leader on behalf of partner Neurosoft in EU medical research projects:2) VAKHUM IST-1999-10954 (Virtual Animation of the Kinematics of the Human for Industrial, Educational and Research Purposes) url and
SACROHN N. QLK2-CT-2000-00928 (Improvement of prevention diagnosis and treatment of Sarcoidosis and Crohn’s disease) url |
CRIM10/1998–12/2003 | Member of the Centre for Research in Information Management Lab (CRIM url) of the Dept. of Computation (url) at UMIST (url). |
Ι.C.S.9/1995-6/1998 | Undergraduate research assistant at the Foundation for Research in Technology – Hellas (FORTH url). I was a member of the Computer Vision and Robotics Group (url) at the Institute of Computer Science at FORTH (url), a group that emphasises research and development in the areas of Computer Vision and Autonomous Mobile Robots with intelligent behaviour. I undertook several Research Assignments that had to do with Robot Navigation and Digital Image Processing. |
Organizational Committee |
Program Committee |
Reviewer |
Participations |
[2016] | The International Conference on Extending Database Technology, EDBT http://www.edbt.org is one of the most prestigious international conferences in the scientific area of data management. Our latest publication at EDBT 2016: D. Kopanaki, V. Theodossopoulos, N. Pelekis, I. Kopanakis, and Y. Theodoridis. “Who Cares about Others’ Privacy: Personalized Anonymization of Moving Object Trajectories” EDBT: 19th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, (EDBT 2016) Bordeaux, France, March 15-18, 2016 ISSN: 2367-2005 pp.425-436. |
[2009] |
“Best Application Paper Award” at the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM09), Miami, FL,USA, 6-9 December 2009 (url)for the paper “Clustering Trajectories of Moving Objects in an Uncertain World” |
[2004] |
The paper “Visual data mining modeling techniques for the visualization of mining outcomes” at the Journal of Visual Languages and Computing was the fourth most downloaded article from January to August 2004 from the publisher’s (ELSEVIER) web site. |
[2004] |
Thesamearticleisthe 12thintheScienceDirectTOP25 HottestArticles. url |
[2003] |
Ph.D. Thesis: Completion of the thesis in 3.5 years. |
[1999] |
Postgraduate: awardoftheM.Sc. withgpa69/100 (top 5% in the graduates list). |
[1998] | Undergraduate: After the national examinations I was qualified for acceptance in the Computer Science Department at the University of Crete gaining the ninth position in the entry list. Each academic year I was among the first five students in the yearly success list. I took my degree in June 98 with the grade point average of 8.19/10.0, gaining the third position. I successfully fulfilled my studies in 3.5 years one semester earlier than expected. |